Jumat, 09 Oktober 2015

Wardah BB Cream Review


I might be wrong but I think this is my first time having a beauty review product. Hehehe. So let’s begin!
I have some trouble with foundation I got before applying my make up. Sometimes, It is really  sticky  and made my face kinda wearing a mask. Or the other hand, I got the no-effect foundation that just not correcting any blemish on my face. I’ve tried any local nor import brands but unfortunatelly I still didn’t get one that suits me best.

I’m not the type of person who really cares about make up at the first time, but my current job made me have a lot of fun with make up. So, when I strolling around the mall to find my make up haul, I stopped by Wardah’s counter.

I never tried Wardah products before. I bought one BB Cream, one Sunblock, and a lipstick for my lips color corrector. It has been about a month I used those products.
I want to review the BB cream first.

The first sensation I got when its cream touch my skin is....so light! I don’t even feel a sticky sensation as I had with other products. It easily blend, and absorbed fastly. Besides that, It gives me a natural coverage, not a pale white and flat look. Moreover, if I look closely, the product also gives me a bit shiny and healthy look.

Here's the result :

This BB Cream also averagely long lasting. About 8-10 hours of applyment and I just need a bit touch up on my T-zone once every four hour. When I tried to remove the make up at day end, it also doesn’t left so-freakin-much-cream-I-had-each-day on the cotton. Supa great!

Pros :
-          Nice and long lasting coverage
-          Not sticky
-          Affordable
-          Light sensation and easily removed
-          Doesn’t plump your pores
-     Already have spf 27

Cons :
-          The product easily ran out of my stock :p

Thanks for reading! :D


Purbasari Matte Lipstick : Amethyst and Crystal

Hello! I'm blogging from Jogja right now.
I'm on vacation  and last night my friend, Ann brought me to Mirota Kampus store, near Gadjah Mada Univeristy. I was aimed to find a new lipstick, especially matte and nude one as my daily basis.

And I really amazed how everything could be very cheap in Jogja! You know, the difference of price in here than Jakarta is about 2-5 thousand rupiahs. A very-very huge saving for me. Ann shows me Purbasari counter to test their lipstick. Actually Purbasari brand is well-known as local famous like Sariayu, Wardah, La Tulipe and etc but I never tried it before.

I bought two shades, Amethyst and Crystal. They come with simple black packaging and I thought the applicator itself a bit tiny for me and made me afraid it would be broke easily. They both have a great matte finish! Super great and looks like import lipstick, I'm not lying!. I chose Crystal shade for my nude looks and Amethyst for special occasion. It costs Rp 31.000 for each. What an affordable price for ultra local quality, rite?

Amethyst (left) - Crystal (right)

indoor lighting using Crystal

outdoor lighting using crystal too!

But unfortunately, i rarely find Purbasari brand in Jakarta. Perhaps, i'll buy some more as my stock in Jakarta later. aaaah I adore Jogja for its convenience. :)

Pros :
+ Super cheap
+ Great matte finish
+ Not sticky
+ A perfect shade of nude I've wanted

Cons :
+ Rarely found in Jakarta
+ The applicator tube is a bit tiny

Thanks for reading!


Senin, 28 September 2015

Beautylabo Natural Blonde and Raspberry Pink

Hello good people!

Today, I went to PIM and watched Inside Out with my friend, Tiyem and his friend Omped. The movie was good! ;) A night before I told Tiyem that I want to color my hair plum but he dare me to color it pink :)) he didn’t know that it is so hard to find a nice shade of pink in drugstore around Jakarta’s mall except I bought it online. So he willing to pay the hair dye if we found it and so be it!

I bought Beautylabo in Raspberry Pink and Natural Blonde color at Watson’s PIM 2. Anyway, it cost only around IDR 65k for two because they had 30% discount and 40% discount only for Natural Blonde shade. A huge savings! So I rushed to color my hair after got home. First, I took the Natural Blonde color to even my roots and hair. The old color already looks dull because the last time I dyed it was on June before my internship at Giordano. I want something fresh.

I bought N9 and R7

What I love from this product is so easy to apply even without comb. The result as you see, looks.......

Natural Blonde (indoor)

result indoor for Raspberry Pink

The Raspberry Pink one more likely a bit burgundy with lovely maroon stains. Super love it! Especially in indoor lighting. 

Pros :
+ Affordable price (i got discount too!)
+ Color looks very nice
+ Cute packaging
+ Easily found 
+ Colorant is very easy to applied
+ Well prepared start up kit <3

Cons :
+ Smells left for 3 days
+ Fades out easily. Around 6 wash

Thanks for reading!


Kamis, 09 Juli 2015

Hasil SBMPTN 2015 untuk saya...

ahem tumben emang dah nyapa nya bener. Jadi sekarang itu hari Kamis tanggal 9 Juli 2015.
Ada yang istimewa hari ini? Buat beberapa milyar manusia di belahan bumi mungkin engga kali ya. Siapa elo gitu. Tapi buat para fresh graduate di Indonesia, lulusan 2015 apalagi, hari ini tuh hari yang kayak penentuan nasib. Ya, gitu deh kira-kira.

Jadi, selepas jam 5 tadi pasti uda banyak bertebaran di home line, path, ato ask.fm yang isinya ucapan selamat, kegembiaraan atau sebagainya soal hasil ujian SBMPTN 2015 mereka. Sebagian kecil lainnya cuma bisa mojok atau ngebatin "ya Allah belom rejeki gue ini..." Ada, yang begitu.
Gue salah satunya.

Gue buka web baru bisa jam 7, lagi bukber SD sama anak anak. Gue coba sampe lemes karena servernya down. Alhamdulillah bisa kebuka dari pengumuman di website UGM. Pas gue buka, gue deg-degan. Uda mencoba berpikir positif sebulan terakhir. InsyaAllah bisa ini Sastra Belanda UI

dan ternyata hasilnya adalah.....

tulisan JANGAN PUTUS ASA DAN TETEP SEMANGAT itu engga ngebantu banget huheuhe.
gue mau nangis, tp itu lg bukber, jadi selama bukber engga gue pikirin. trus abis bukber, sampe rumah gue nangis sesengukan. Gue nelpon Yanuar trus gatau mau ngmg apa. cuma nangis aja biar lega.

Detik itu gue ngerasa "yaampun kok gue bodoh banget ya? Ke Malang ga tebus, ISI Jogja engga lolos, Monbukagakusho gagal ditengah jalan pas kirim berkas, ke UI yang belajarnya engap juga gak masuk. Apa segini beratnya cobaan ya? Ditolak berkali-kali"

trus gue liat timeline isinya tmn tmn SMP gue pada keterima. Pada nyelametin, masuk UI jurusan hukum, biologi, farmasi. Ah keren keren lah pokoknya. Hahaha. Selamat dah buat mereka.

The time gue liat itu gagal ke empat kalinya, gue cuma bisa mingkem. Bingung mau begimana lagi. Kuliah tahun ini di swasta? Alhamdulillah uda keterima dengan beasiswa 75%. Sayangnya, belum tentu bisa nganggsur buat 1 tahun pertama kuliah disana. Kalo kerja? Kemana lagi? Ahahahah.

Pas gue nangis, gue masuk kamar trus gue sesenggukan depan bokap. Bokap cuma bilang pesan begini

Tandanya itu takdir, In. Bukan rejeki kamu disitu. Kamu kan udah coba yang penting, jalan hidup kamu masi panjang, masi bisa kuliah swasta kalau ada duit. Semua orang kan nasib nya beda-beda. Udah gapapa

Trus bokap gue molor. gue balik ke kamar, nyokap gue lagi ngoceh-ngoceh mampus-mampusing gue. Auk deh, mau ketawa miris aja susah. Hahaha.

So yah, gue bingung sekarang gimana.



Minggu, 05 Juli 2015

Tentang Hidup...

Hidup itu gak pernah ada habisnya ngasih kita pilihan buat menggoyahkan iman dan keyakinan.
Gue kepengen banget kuliah tahun ini, tapi di satu sisi gue juga pesimis. Gue udah gagal SNMPTN ke UNM, gagal ke ISI Jogja, gagal ngelamar beasiswa Monbukagakusho, dan sekarang lagi harap harap cemas nunggu pengumuman SBMPTN gue ke Sastra Belanda UI.

I dunno. Masuk apa engga gue sih tawakkal ya, apa lagi gue belajar SBM itu mepet dan gak ada basic jadi anak IPS samsek, gue cuma percaya diri di tes logika aja sejujurnya. Karena itu yang bisa gue kuasain bener bener. Tapi, gue berharap, apapun hasilnya, gue bisa terima dengan ikhlas dan jalanin sungguh sungguh.

Gue baru aja selesai nyusun itinerary trip perdana gue ke luar negeri. Kemana? Ke Jepang! Hehehe. Even gue sekarang bukan oh-you-so-called-otaku-or-somewhat gue masih naro Jepang sebagai goal negara yang harus gue kunjungin. hehehe.. Jadi yaaa, gue udah susun aja gue harus turun di bandara mana, naek pesawat apa, mau kemana, pas musim apa, budget berapa juta dll.

it mean, kalo gue ada rencana trip ke Jepang pas 2016, gue bakal kerja mati-matian selama setahun di tempat sekarang.

Hehehe, udah itu aja. Gue berharap apapun jalannya dikasi yang terbaik sama Allah

(semoga) calon maba Sasbel UI 2k15

Sabtu, 20 Juni 2015

Oh Why You Gotta Be So Hair

liat apa mz  mb

Akhirnya gue bisa nge dye rambut abis lulus ahahah! Yak, rambut gue jadi bener bener kering dan makin ngembang (karena aslinya udah ngembang) dan buat sampe di warna ini, gue ngebleach sampe 2x dari warna terakhir gue yang uda blentang blentong. Kalo diperhatiin beberapa part sama end section rambut gue masih lebih gelap karena emang itu susah banget di bleach.

Why I became blonde? Because I want to dye my hair blue and purple. Unfortunately, the coloring process was fail HAHAHA. Btw foto foto gue sama Oche pas gue blonde itu sehari sebelom SBMPTN. Bukannya belajar malah nongkrong.

Lusanya, gue pagi pagi banget udah semangat buat nyampur aduk hair dye yang gue beli. Oya, that time I didn't use Feves. Gue make merk Felice yang justru ternyata bukan hair colorant tapi dia lebih ke color and brassy neutralizer #cry. Ya, cheap experience lead you to hell~ But I'm not gomen..

Gue make 3 Box. 1 box warna biru, 1 lagi violet, satu lagi putih. Ekspetasi gue adalah dengan mencampur colorant biru dengan putih efeknya sama kayak lo nyampur cat warna. Ternyata engga!

Gue mau warna biru muda, close to Miku Hatsune hair but a bit darker. Gue tes dulu sebaris ke beberapa helai rambut sebelum warnanya gue campur putih. Oh ternyata masih terlalu gelap. Dan gue kalap aja masukin 2/3 volume colorant putih ini ke colorant biru.  Kalau yang ungu cuma gue masukin 1/3 dan jadinya pinkish. Yak! setelah keramas gue liat rambut..............JENG JENG JENG gue stres!!

Warnanya turned out jadi abu-abu. Lo tau abu-abu platinum? Nah itu! Ungunya sih jadi, pinkish pinkish gt. Tapi birunya fail total HAHAHA T__T udah gt karena eksperimen sendiri, beberapa hair strands gue masih warna blonde jadi golden blonde. Dan liat kan efek bleaching? rambut gue jadi bercabang, peccah pecah, kusut, susah diatur. Banyak deh, meski uda di treatment, lama lama gak mempan juga.

Dan dua hari lalu gue ngecat lagi jadi warna cokelat.kali ini bagus dan rata karena gue teliti. hahaha.
Cokelat gue yang sekarang ini lebih ke chestnut atau almond color gitu. Sayangnya, karena gue udah keterima kerja, gue harus nge-gelapin lagi cokelatnya karena menurut Supervisor gue ini masih terlalu jreng. Meh, padahal bagus.

Nyesel ga? Engga! Wkwkwk cuma gue sedih rambut gue jd kering banget, tapi lama lama mikir yaudahlah ya rambut nanti juga tumbuh lagi.

Trus gue mau motong rambut se leher buat nanti kerja biar engga gerah.

Segitu duliu deh......



My Life in A Nutshell

Hello! /o/ Happy Ramadhan for us!

It's been a long long time ago since my last post here .__.), my bad. Maybe I have to back writing again since reality is a bit boring for me, recently. So, yes! I am no longer a student of 48 Vocational High School hehehe. Unfortunately, I didn't take Uni this year. I've tried my best with my SMPTN to Univ. Negeri Malang, DKV and Institut Seni Indonesia, D. Interior but they were'nt work as planned :D. I have no tempatation again to try other universities as I already be like "err, tahun depan aja deh" and here I'm now, strolling myself out of my comfortable land. (the next paraghraph will be using Bahasa)

Kemarin siang, setelah seminggu terakhir nyari-nyari lowongan dan hasilnya belom ada karena belom dipanggil, gue ikut walk-in interview Giordano di Kota Kasablanka sebagai Customer Associate (SPG). Gue cuma mikir "ah iseng-iseng berhadiah nunggu panggilan yang lain" etapi ternyata gue keterima dong! Hahaha, padahal kandidat lainnya lebih tinggi daripada gue loh, secara tinggi gue cuma 151 cm. alhamdulillah, emang rejeki kali ya?

Awalnya, gue ini getol banget ngirim aplikasi ke beberapa perusahan yang butuh Graphic Designer. sayangnya, di Jobstreet itu rata rata harus minimal S1. Tapi, gw tetep nekat aja dong ngirim. Sayangnya, Jobstreet itu proses nya lamaaaa banget dan gue udah gak betah nganggur di rumah apalagi bulan puasa yang cuma bisa bangun-tidur-nonton-tidur-bangun. Jadi, gue tarik lagi semua aplikasi gue di jobstreet kemarin karena udah keterima sebagai SPG ini.

I know, gue sendiri kaget. Menjadi seorang SPG (well,to be honest)  gak pernah gue bayangin sebelumnya karena field gue selalu behind the desk. Apalagi di otak gue jadi SPG itu harus tinggi, langsing, attractive, ya dan sebagainya. But I guess God really knows how much I need a job right now. Gue sumpah paling benci nganggur. Lagipula, jadi SPG keknya gak buruk buruk amat. Temen gue jadi SPB di The Goods Dept, sejak gue kenal sama dia, sekarang dia udah naik jadi Supervisor di The Goods Dept cabang PIM. It's all about career right? :)

Masalah kuliah, sebenernya ada satu lagi peluang gue yang gue engga tau sih hasilnya gimana. SBMPTN 2015. Gue SBMPTN itu bener bener persiapan cuma 30% karena gue resign juga baru beberapa hari sebelumnya. Gak ngerti apa itu TKPA, TKD Soshum yang amit amit geografinya susah banget. Lucunya, ketika orang orang getol banget bis amilih 1-3 universitas dan prodi berbeda, gue justru polosnya cuma milih 1 : Universitas Indonesia, Satsra Belanda. Kenapa terjun jauh dari dunia perdesainan? Karena menurut gue ada ilmu yang gak harus stuck di satu bidang aja. Toh gue SBMPTN make Bidikmisi jadi bebas biaya hahahahah.

Setelah ketolak ISI kemarin itu, gak tau deh. Rasanya gue diceburin ke realita yang pait banget #tsaah. Jadi kayaknya Tuhan tuh masi gak peduli seberapa keras usaha gue menempuh Jakarta-Jogja-Jakarta-Jogja (yes PP karena gue harus dateng ke peresmian Lenggang Jakarta yang dadakan), berapa banyak gue stres pas bimbingan, sampai akhirnya pas tes gue gak selesai coloring, well it hurt. Banget. Uang, tenaga, emosi semua udah kecurah buat ISI. Ketika gagal, gue mikir juga sih "oiya banyak kok anak-anak dari daerah dan pulau lain yang ke Jogja juga buat ngadu nasibnya. Bukan lo aja".

Well, that's all folks


Rabu, 25 Maret 2015

2 abs!!

I can't be more excited to tell you that I finally got my abs back!
well, actually it just my upper couple of abs.
My body fat still above from 20% so there's still a lot of workouts I should be done before graduation day in the next 60 days.

Even I got the curves of my abs, my lower abdominal part still flabby and agfsahgdskj I don't know, it's stressful and hard at the same time to get rid from all of those fats. I swear for myself, to keep my workout routine and believe there's no such instant result.

and, here's the pict for 11 weeks in gym. I got a terrible mess in my food and calories intake on week 9 and 10 because my friend Yanu, from Malaysia came to Indonesia and I simply can't refuse the privilege to got free food :p my bad

Rabu, 04 Maret 2015

I'm (no longer) a couch potato!

Haiii, double post for today :3
Gue selalu pengen punya badan tinggi semampai, atau gak usah muluk-muluk deh, sehat dan enak dipandang. Dan itu juga udah jadi target gue sejak tahun 2014 kemarin.
Jadi, banyak yang nanya ke gue akhir-akhir ini soal tips diet dan workout yang gue lakukan dua bulan terakhir. Dari situ, gue berniat sharing disini aja deh :D

So, kalau terhitung sejak pertama kali gue rutin workout itu, berarti sekarang udah masuk minggu ke- 9!
An amazing 9 weeks I've passed so far. Perbedaan tubuh gue memang nggak mencolok banget since gue dilahirkan bantet dan bertipe gen Endomorph, gue bertekad untuk merubah gen gue. tsaaah~
Tuh, udah jelas banget kan? Gue itu gampang nambah lemak, susah kurus, tapi mudah nambah otot. So, daripada gue terobsesi jadi kurus ceking kayak berbi, mending gue berjuang ngurangin lemak dan membangun otot, yosh!

Jadi, awalnya cuma wacana iseng aja pas gue tau di perumahan si Oche, ada club house dengan fasilitas kolam renang dan gym. Gym nya sepi banget! jadi setiap kali kita kesana itu yang make cuma kita berdua. Kayak gym pribadi lah hahaha!
Then, we commited to change our lifestyle and challenge ourselves.

Gue minggu pertama bener-bener fokus ke cardio dan lupa kalo harus diimbangi weight training. Lumayan sih, cardio bikin berat gw susut banget dari 55 kg ke 50 kg. Dan sekarang berat gue stay di 50kg, masih ada 5 kg yang harus gue turunin untuk mencapai berat idaman gue hehe.

Akhirnya masuk minggu ketiga, gue kombinasiin latihan gue dengan angkat barbel dan weight training kayak bench press, butterfly press, upper arm lift gitu gitu deh. Disitu baru berasa banget kalo emang badan gue responnya AMAT SANGAT baik dalam pembentukan otot.

And the proceed berjalan selama 7 minggu. Oiya, selama 7 minggu itu gue nggak membatasi makan gue. Gue berhenti makan goreng-gorengan dan apapun yang berminyak jenuh. Gue lebih banyak makan sayur dan protein kayak telur rebus, telur setengah matang, ayam rebus, sop, gitu gitu. Kalau lagi senggang gue selalu minum air putih. Dan gue terbiasa skip sarapan, gue tetep bisa function meski gak sarapan. Dan sekarang gue rutin makan pisang buat dopping kalau lagi lari dan futsal :D

Pagi : Skip sarapan. Bangun tidur minum dua gelas air hangat.
Siang : Makan siang jam 12, porsi karbo dikurangin, banyakin protein dan sayur.
Sore : Biasanya pulang sekolah cuma nyemil buah trus berangkat ngajar atau gym
Malem : diatas jam 6 gue udah ga makan. Cuma minum teh pait atau terkadang Yogurth aja.

Olahraganya : seminggu 3x gym (kardio 1 jam, weight training 1 jam), renang seminggu 1x, futsal (olahraga favorit gue haha) setiap Malem Minggu 3 jam (5pm - 8pm), lari di Veldrum 30 menit. 

Karena gue juga suka dance, gue selingin dance dance gampang kayak hip hop gitu. Tadinya mau ikut kelas zumba tapi belom sempet hhuhu :(
week 9

my body, 60 kg, February 2014

Dan akhirnya, setelah gue merasa stuck dengan BB gue yang stabil di 50-51 kg aja, gue mulai coba OCD dengan serius. Apa itu OCD? OCD adalah Obsessive Corbuzier's Diet yang dipopulerkan mentalist Indonesia, Deddy Corbuzier. Informasi lengkapnya bisa dibaca di Apa Itu OCD? (mager jelasin hehe)

Next, awalnya gue gak gitu yakin buat join OCD ya karena takut merubah pola diet gue yang udah gue jalanin 7 minggu belakang. Diet gue memang berhasil, tapi lagi di posisi stuck BB. So I hit myself "coba aja dulu, gratis ini programnya dan mudah, kalau gagal tinggal balik lagi ke progra lama".

Dimulailah petualangan OCD gue pertama kali Hari Minggu, 1 Maret 2015. Gue coba jendela makan langsung yang 6 jam karena 8 jam mah anak kecil juga bisa. Skip breakfast kan? Gue gak merasa pusing (padahal Selasa gue try out MTK!) dan merasa fit fit aja. Laper engga, kenyang engga. Menjelang jam 11 itu berasa kruyuk kruyuk. Gue banyakin minum trus gue lakuin O7W hehe.

OCD gue berjalan lancar dan santai tuh. Gak ada keluhan apa apa. Anehnya, ketika OCD, perut gue emang flabby, gak se flat ketika lagi diet ala gue, sempet panik kan... tapi pas gue cubit perut gue, lipetan bandel itu terasa agak keras, gak se lembek ketika belum OCD.

So, I assume, itu emang proses alamiah ketika lemak dibakar, lemaknya sedikit demi sedikit di bakar, jadinya kulit gak bergelambir kan, nah yang agak flabby dan keras itu otot abdomen gue (posthink!)

Meski Deddy bilang, We can eat whatever we want, gue tetep percaya kalo clean eating itu salah satu faktor sukses pembentukan otot. Percuma diet tapi makannya sampe nimbun kalori lebih dr kalori seharusnya dan gak dijaga. I love tasty food, but I stay on my zone. Let's see how OCD effects on me. Bakal update terus :D

Menu makanan gue selama OCD

Jendela makan 6 jam. Breakfasting jam 1 siang
Jam 1 : minum air putih 2 gelas, nasi 1 centong+sayur apa aja+tempe+telor
Jam 4 : Nyemil pisang atau buah sama minum jus
Jam 6 : sebelum jam makan ketutup, minum teh dan kentang rebus+ telor setengah mateng

Yang terpenting itu tetep harus ada olahraga! wajib! Dan inget, nggak ada hasil yang instan :)
So, segini dulu aja deh, masi nunggu otot otot nongol di badan gw wkwkw



Hello again!

Wait, terakhir kali gue nge post kapan ya? haha uda lama banget!
Februari sudah selesai~ dan sekarang sudah masuk awal Maret. I'm so freakin bussy with school's stuff, apalagi udah menjelang UN gini, boro-boro online deh, sekedar blogwalking aja ngga sempet.
Sebulan lagi gue bakal menghadapi UN nih haha. Excited! Pengen cepet cepet lulus tapi gak mau pisah sama anak anak gesrek di kelas :(

Time flies so fast! Parah... gue aja takut tau-tau gue udah mau masuk college life. Katanya sih college life itu new phase of life yang penting banget. Ya gue sih gak gitu mikir macem-macem. Cuma kepengen diterima di universitas yang gue mau, prodi yang gue mau, dan lancar urusan beasiswanya (aamiin)

Happy birthday juga buat Breda! ulang tahun di atas awan dia, 19 Februari pas banget imlek. niatnya sih mau ke rumahnya cuma gak bisa karena dia ada flight. Malah jadinya makan pizza di kostnya fahmi buat pre-bday gue. Padahal mah tadinya buat ngerayain ultah Breda yang ke 26 :p (cie tua!!)

Kemarin 20 Februari, gue berulang tahun yang ke 18. A great new age rite?
Gak kerasa bentar lagi gue kepala 2 hahaha. Bukan muka dua! Dan gue bersyukur banget di ulangtahun gue yang ke-18 kemarin akhirnya GUE DAPET BIRTHDAY CAKE. dari tiga orang berbeda dan dua kota yang terpisah :'). Why I'm being so happy of thus cakes? Karena pertama dan terakhir kali gue dapet kue itu pas umur gue 2 tahun, which was 16 tahun lalu. Ya pas kemaren itu gue udah pasrah sih wakaka. udah biasa ga dapet apa-apa jadinya udah santai. Expecting too much will kills rite? Eh ternyata, temen-temen gue yang otakny audah pada geser itu ngasi gue kue! Hahaha.

Kue pertama dari Mas Fian dan dia ngirim pic pas jam 12 malem haha! Itu gue langsung histeris nelepon dia. Sayang kuenya gabisa di makan, jauh men di Malang! hahah
Sorenya, selesai ujian praktik renang, gue pergi ke rumah nenek gue dan gue dikasi blackforest. Gilaaa seneng banget gue, like it's been more than ten years they never remeber the date of my birth.

Makan kue nya di rumah dan ngadain small party. Cuma ada gue, nyokap, bokap, sama cici gue. Gak kerasa in few months gue bakal pergi dari rumah itu buat nuntut ilmu ke luar kota. Tahun depan bakal beda lagi ceritanya.

Agak malem sedikit, gue janjian makan dimsum sama Oche dan Ambon di Queen Dimsum, belakang rumah gue kan. Pas kita selesai makan, si Oche izin ke belakang, taunya......


She came with the cake, the most epic cake written "Happy Bday Nyoro, Our dearest bitch" on it. Bang Mirga sama tante cuma cengengesan aja pas itu kue di bawa. That night, was really amazing, and grateful. Gak ngerti gue mau bilang apalagi sama semua anak gesrek yang surrounding my life.

Doa gue buat umur baru dan tahun baru adalah....

1. Gue lulus UN dan SMK dengan nilai memuaskan
2. Lolos SNMPTN 2015 dan Bidikmisi
3. Rejeki gue lancar terus, bisa terus aktif kerja
4. Gue kepengen banget bisa punya mobil di usia muda! dan gue pengen punya mobil secepetnya dengan uang keringet sendiri. Mobil impian gue itu sebenernya Ford Everest sama Nissan X-Trail cuma untuk sementara gue pengen dikasih rejeki biar bisa beli Kia Picanto aja deh atau Nissan March :)
5. I want to keep my gym routine. Sejak awal Januari sampe gue nulis ini, gue udah menjalani program diet OCD (will update soon) dan rutin nge gym. Gue pengen badan gue lean dan berotot sehat kayak Agnez Mo :))
6. Orangtua gue sehat dan rejekinya lancar
7. Kucing-kucing gue beranak pinak dan makin lucu
8. Gue bisa awet-awet sama Mas Fian meski sekarang masih jauh.

udah itu doang hahaha :D
Semoga bisa terkabul satu per satu ya!
Dream, believe, and make it happen anyway :)



Senin, 12 Januari 2015


I have a self esteem issue. I always feel insecure and constantly worry about what people may think about me. I hate myself whenever this bad trait comes over and cover my confident to be a “normal” person. When I said normal, it means that I want to be careless about unnecessary thing. But, I just can’t stand myself whenever I got any criticism. I became very sensitive and mad? I don’t know why.

People used to know me as a cheerful, active, and careless woman. Well, I wish I was like that but I am not. In fact, I’m a shy person (but thanks to my adaptable and curious traits which help me a lot). I don’t like being in a society/place/zone where I don’t get any notice (yeah.. now I’m sound like an egocentric human) that’s explain much why I usually find myself going anywhere alone. There’s just something soothing about being alone and no one bother you yet makes you fell like an alien, worst feeling ever. It also become the main reason why I seemed have a lot of friends but just go with the same person on weekend. I can count with my fingers how many person in my life is really important and know me well so they wouldn’t complain much whenever this sensitive side arises. And they’re really important for me.

But, insecure always be an insecure, rite? Eventho, I’ve said that I have only few people that finally understand me, I sometimes feel all alone. Like the best person in your life still left a hole in our heart, right?
Another point, I don’t like get any criticism, especially about my body. They mainly give a comments about my body size and my skintone. Hellooo, dear Gawd, If I could ask God how I want to be created, I wished I’m the one with fair skin and model-ish body. But we all can’t ask to do so. So, I try to change by myself. I do diets, workouts, endless jogging, crunches, sit-up, push-up, and so on. I also keep my skin as fair as I can. I know I can’t have such a Chinese’s fair skin like my mother and father race but keep it a healthy tan or middle tone. I’ve tried. Don’t say I’m not. But I started to feel those beauty marks-up tiring me out and shit. One time, a friend of mine said that I don’t gradually change like any puberty did on my other girl friends and I suddenly felt so mad and shame(?). Like, the hell he really knew my workouts and diets routine. Like, the hell he really knew how hard for me to change to be better.

I have a to-die-for bestfriend since we on same Junior High School. Her name’s Oche. We were just a usual teenagers we used to be. We weren’t famous, in one word: unoticeable. But things going different since we entered High School. Puberty, society, mentality changed us. Me? Still an ordinary person I used to be, on other side Oche really become so famous, prettier, noticeable, and many good things comes her way. And whenever I stand near her, I feel I’m just being her shadow. And I HATE to feel so. But I can’t blame her. Beside she’s my bestfirend, she doesn’t have a thing to be blame.

This self esteem issue really freaks me out. I know, it’s not a healty trait and people keep telling me “be grateful for what you have” I do, guys. I did. So, this is my ugly truth. Not a really impressive post for start a year right? I wish I’m not the only one who feel so.



Kamis, 01 Januari 2015

The End of Path

Omg, feel so excited to welcome the new page of the year :) So, here comes another blank 365 (now it's only 364) pages to fill out. I felt a bit sorry because lately I'm so busy (yet lazy) to share something in this not-so-private space. Actually I already plan to write this post yesterday but because the weather ways too comfy and my friends were evade my home for new year eve, I got no leisure time #slap.

I'd like to do my habit every end of the year (yes, now it's the begining of year, lel) : KALEIDOSCOPE!
Annnnd the playlist which accompany me tonight is Adhitia Sofyan from his third album - How To Stop Time. A very humble, sweet, and lullaby tracks for rainy day enthusiast. *click play*

Here it goes~


I barely remember how I start the first month of 2014 but I guess I was still hold onto my pain of losing someone I love along this month. I know it's so cliche and people were like "why you always had a bad ending of every relationship?". Welp, I dunno. I just remember on January 25, I was visiting that guy and my darkest assumption was true. It was really hurt and hard for me to let him go though we only being together for about 4 months.


I always put my biggest love through this month. This is the month full of loves and prosperity. Chinese New Year means a fresh surplus in my pocket :p. My sweet-seventeen so on birthday they said. I finally turned 17! Yay. Now, I'm a legally adult by government. I've been living for 17 years. My mom cooked a simple home dish for three of us. My birthday was very very humble and simple. Celebrated by just three of us, yet I still thankful having my schoolmates whom still remember my day! :) A simple hapiness I could get effortlessly.
Breda actually remember my birthday and being the last person whom greet me that day meanwhile I already texted him yesterday of his bday.
Something strange and awkward happened this month on my way to get rid of the January stuffs.


This month, I struggle for many things. I'm so procastinate and lazy to remeber any bad thing happened among this month ;) It's the deepest and thoughtful month of the year.
The only good thing I can remeber is paid some visit to Kepulauan Seribu for one day trip with Wisnu.


I did some short vacation to Curug Pangeran again just to remember shooting vacation of me and my friends doing here last year. I went there with Yoi, some fella in Bogor right after his accomplishment of National Examination.


JOGJA!! Yeay~ 48 VHS '15 finally had a vacation to Jogja. It's actually my first time went to Jogja. We go there by bus start from Monday 12 May till Thursday 15 May. We took a trip to Prambanan temple, Borobudur temple, Keraton Jogja, and paid a field trip to Sekolah Menengah Seni Rupa, Kasihan Bantul. 

We also took a short vacation to Kebun Raya Bogor the next Sunday for photography task given by our teacher.


exams. exams. exams. And yet on June 16 it should be a special date, only if we didn't broke up last year :) well nevermind. I just kind of person whom easily remember things.
and this month, I finally able to made up my mind and heal my wound for my January "mini-tragedy"
I can easily let everything go after finally know what I did is true. Anything he did (his true face) below his surface really woke me up. An usual way of every break-up is to find a great meaning behind every wound and embrace the distance apart. #halah

My veryfirst blood donation.

I still couldn't believe that it took 5 months for me to let him go easily and get rid of him out of my mind.


Examination for my 2nd grade of high school life. I made it!
And, this month was really special too! because this is the month when I met Irul (capchoi.blogspot.com) last year :)) now he already focused on his French Literature study on Padjajaran University, Jatinangor. I wish any miracle and unicorn posion posses' his path. Amen.

Also, I'm joining a logo competition held by Lenggang Jakarta

I spend my Lebaran holiday to Harapan Island with Kak Echie and his nephew joining Kak Jiwo group.

Also I left kind of asshole this month. It was really frustating being near him.


Just something from the past coming back to my life and ruined my wall :) Was I let him in again and take back anything for granted? No.
He supposed to go away with his new companion.

GOOD NEWS FROM LENGGANG JAKARTA! My logo design are nominated for the best five! Need some revision and the prize is waiting for us. (also a chance to take selfie shoot with DKI Frontman (soon that time) Mr. Ahok!)

at the same time with Lenggang Jakarta e-mail, our group (Indaher, Diah, Vita, Yola, and me) winning the brain mapping and coral reef transplantation design. We won the grand prize which is a field trip to Harapan Island (again!) with luxury facilities, not like my low-budget vacation last month.

I think this is the turn over of every bad things happen. This is my lucky month of 2014.


Sylvan Zikri Rahman and Rachman C. Muchlas birthday! nothing greater than knowing those guy are growing up so fast :)

I hike to Papandayan mt with Bikin Jejak (Mas Abi travel group) and made new friends~

I won the logo design competition by Lenggang Jakarta after a long and exhausted process. I got a great amount of prize and really grateful of it. Another portfolio of my artwork! Yay

Joshi finally born her babies. There are Alex, Brivi, and Frisia.


My father's bday. I put my best effort to make him happy with the money I got from previous competition. Dad was really happy and grateful by the surprise I put that day. Also I won NASAFEST poster competition with Indaher. Double Trouble! hahaha. Irul's bday too!

I got my very first tattoo on October 4 by JAINK tattoo :) my long-long dream goal!

yearbook photosession. School stuffs. Try out. Tiring deadline, papers, etc etc. Infograohic task.
I went to Gede Pangrango mt. too


 Nothing really special this month except Mom's bday and Fahmi's bday.
Infographic animation task. End of Semester Examination. 3D house modelling task. blablabla.
and my Mom was going to prepare her Umrah trip. So busy with this and that.


The last month of year felt coming so fast. Examination done! We worked really hard to put a high amount of  effort for this last semester of High School. But yeah, unfortunately, my final report wasn;t really extravagant. My average point is raised up but my rank was going down to 11th place. The last classmeeting was really fun too!

My 3D modelling house project is done! But unfortunately I lost  one project for some event held by local High School because of kinda internal things they had.

My Mom finally had her dreams granted. She went to Umrah for like 9 days and along thus day only me and Daddy tagging around the house.

I went to Jogja since December 25 till December 28 to prepare my university stuffs and move to Jogja. Nothing really fancy except I could met my old long gone fellas there :)

Once again, happy new year folks!
Hope you had a great new year ahead. I wish we could reach and accomplish any target we made :D
It doesn't really matter of bad things happened around this year. Just remember the good one because we able to pass thru it! And alhamdulillah, I think I already accomplish 90% of my goals this year.

