Rabu, 19 Maret 2014

PresoteaID with /TheOtakuNetwork/

Jumat lalu, gue lagi asik buka fb pas tiba-tiba liat trit di grup /ton/ dari Choro. Trit yang isinya invitation buat ikutan tea-tasting Presotea Indonesia yang baru buka outlet di Lotte Shopping Avenue. Gue langsung tertarik buat ikut soalnya : 1. Minum teh gratis (HAHA) 2. Mallnya deket sama rumah 3. Minggu ini nganggur parah (so why not?). So, setelah daftar, terkumpullah beberapa anak /ton/ yang ngisi kuota hari itu tanggal 15 Maret 2014.

Presotea (akronim : Espresso and Tea) adalah brand bubble tea asal Taiwan yang dibangun pada tahun 2006. Franchisenya baru masuk Indonesia akhir 2013 kemarin (emang agak telat sih ya, but nevermind). Sejak muncul 3 bulan lalu, Presotea sudah mempunyai branch di kota besar seperti :
  1. C3 Building Puri Indah Blok O2 No. 1-3 Kembangan, Jakarta Barat
  2. Lotte Shopping Avenue (Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav 3-5, Jakarta) FoodAvenue Lt.4
  3. Plaza Medan Fair (Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No. 30, Medan) Lt 1 #Island 5
  4. Paris Van Java (Jl. Sukajadi No. 129-139, Bandung) Sky Level (Blitz Junction)
  5. Istana Plaza (Jl. Pasar Kaliki No. 121-123, Bandung) Lt 1

“Ah, palingan kayak bubble tea yang biasa di mal itu. Basi”

Eitts, jangan salah! Presotea ini beda loh. Pas gue baca variannya, ternyata mereka lebih banyak variasi fresh tea dibanding milk tea kayak brand yang udah marak sekarang. Pilihan topingnya juga beragam, mulai dari coconut jelly, aloe vera, red bean, sampai pearl bubble.

Presotea juga gak menampung teh nya di dispenser. Jadi, mereka punya kantung teh yang baru akan di brewed ketika memesan. Mesin brewed mereka mirip ama mesin espresso (dari situ makanya lahir nama Presotea). Kantung teh mereka bisa tahan sampai 1 tahun tetapi mereka mengganti ketika sudah 6 bulan penyimpanan demi kesegaran rasa dan aroma. Beberapa teh mereka yang sudah diseduh duluan juga akan dibuang setiap 4 jam sekali karena rasanya akan menguar (teroksidasi bersama udara).

Nah, ini 4 varian teh utama nya! Taa-daah~

1.       Gyokuro Sencha
Ini dia iconic tea dari Presotea. Cara pembuatannya bisa dibilang unik dan feels banget. Jadi, daun teh yang lagi berkembang ditutup dengan terpal dan menghalangi sinar matahari yang akan masuk. Hebatnya, pucuk tehnya tidak mati meski tidak mendapat sinar matahari dan melihat indahnya dunia ketika remaja #tsaah. Pucuk teh akan mengeluarkan chemical kimiawi yang perlahan merubah rasanya. Kandungannya otomatis lebih tinggi dan lebih baik ketimbang pucuk teh biasa! Teh yang hebat ternyata dibuat melalui proses yang menyakitkan *lap airmata*. Kalo kata gue sama anak /ton/ kita nyebutnya hikkiteamori :)) #dihajarmassa.

Ø  First taste            : agak pahit, ngeluarin aroma seperti minyak ikan kod di langit mulut.
Ø  After taste          : manis, sepet tehnya pas dan terasa ringan di mulut.

2.       Blueberry Fruit Tea
Tea which brings smile around us only by its aroma! Recommended banget. Aroma wanginya yang heavenly berasal dari campuran blueberry sama bunga hibiscus. Rasa sepet, asam, manisnya juga seimbang banget. Rasanya gak tega minum teh ini karena wanginya itu enaaak banget. Bikin senyum, hehe.

Ø  First taste            : manis berry, sedikit asam, aromnya kuat tapi gak nyengat.
Ø  After taste          : sepet teh dan berry bercampur jadi lebih pekat
ini lagi nyobain 'jeroannya' Blueberry tea

3.       Coffee and Green Tea
Me, personally sebagai pecinta kopi agak pesimis ama rasanya. Apalagi kopi dan teh itu rada gak nyambung buat di fusion. Mereka memakai kopi Arabika yang menurut lidah gue agak over-roasted sehingga aromanya terlalu strong tapi cepet hilang di mulut. Tehnya gak terlalu memberi kesan dominan karena agak sulit bedain sepetnya pas udah ke blend. I guess they use 70:30 for coffee and tea mixture. Xoxo lah.

Ø  First taste            : aroma kopi dominan, sepetnya lumayan
Ø  After taste          : nothing special kecuali rasanya yang light dan gak bikin mulut pekat.

4.       Okinawa Brown Sugar (super recommended)
Sebelum ini dituang, ranking pertama masih dipegang Blueberry Fruit Tea sesuai rekomen Choro. Tapiiiiii, ternyata teh pilihannya Topan ini kacau enaknya. Surga tingkat ke delapan deeeh. Aroma brown sugarnya dapet banget dan bikin hati serta otak gue diabetes parah *lap iler*. This tea is just too perfect laa! Topan once said “lo tau gak saking perfectnya ini gue gatau mau namain apa selain cendol” gue sama anak-anak langsung ngakak denger his humble opinion.

Masih ada juga Royal Honey Earl Grey, Black Sugar Ginger Tea, Japanese Genmaicha, dan Matcha Fresh Milk Tea :) Pas pulang dikasih goodie bag juga yang isinya dua voucher default, dua voucher redeemable senilai Rp 100.000, keychain, dan dua kaleng kecil Golden Oolong Tea dan Darjeeling Tea (horee!)

follow twitter mereka -> @PresoteaID
like facebooknya juga -> Presotea Indonesia

after event cheese!

have a good day!

Kamis, 06 Maret 2014

Karena Aku Terus Berjalan

Aku merasakan jumputan kata-kata itu untukku.
Kepada kakak yang telah memberikanku pelajaran 6 bulan lalu.
Tentang cinta, sakit, dendam, kemenangan, kehilangan, dan disayangi.
Aku telah berjalan kembali di jalur yang ku bangun beserta mimpi.
Mimpi baru tanpa kakak di sisi.
Mimpi milikku sendiri.
Mimpi yang selalu ku percaya akan membawaku bahagia.
Tanpa kakak disini.

Karena aku terus berjalan,
aku tak ingin menebak apakah kakak akan mengejar.
Dan rasanya aku tidak perlu khawatir soal itu.
Kita telah memilih jalan masing-masing.
Seperti yang kakak katakan dahulu.
"jalan kita akan saling silang bila waktunya nanti tiba"

Aku tidak meminta kakak untuk menungguku
atau mengejarku
Tapi jika kakak menginginkanku kembali
Maaf aku tidak bisa, untuk saat ini sepertinya.
Karena aku terus berjalan dan tak mau menoleh ke belakang.

Mari kita hidupkan jalan yang kita pilih!
Sampai jumpa kakak!
Karena kita akan terus berjalan, bukan?

Jakarta, 6 Maret 2014

Senin, 03 Maret 2014

The Art of Waiting

Have you ever feel like nothing supposed to be yours?
Have you ever feel like things you wanted so bad fallen on to someone else?
Have you ever feel like this cosmic doesn’t give you a damn for your wish?
Mine? I do.

I often think about circumtances around me. There’s plenty of time whenever things I picked up as my list suddenly worn out and bent to somebody else. I’ve experienced a kind of phase. My friend, she’s so gorgeous, smart *not in sarcastic way*, and wanted. I don’t want seems so arrogant here, but “Why nobody wants me as her does?”.

To blabbering shits here, I want to explain my point of view about her. Yes, she’s smart but just in some subject. She does good at math, physic, and so on. But she’s rather known to be “first class popper” than “mrs. Ocean of knowledge”. Me the number two. I bet you for her acknowledge about who the hell is Abraham Lincoln, she didn’t even get a clue. Is that my analogy straight enough?

Second, she’s gorgeous. She’s a teenage dancer, has a sexy body yet proportional and models look-a-like. Me? I’m not kind of things I mentioned above. I’m short, my body not proportional. But I love mine, and grateful about that. Why must I waste my time asking for what I can’t get since in the first place? Perhaps I don’t have a proportional size, a mezmering style which caught everyone sight but I just love the way I am. But, well to be honest, every man wants a great pieces. Instead of finding what great inside, they find what great outside. I can’t blame them anyway because the way I love men both from their looks and intelligence they had.

Men usually get impressed by looks first. What I can learn from highschool lovers is, they rarely looking for someone which has a great intelligence and enjoy talking nothing in a long term. That’s why I found less interest for man in my age. Their ego and pride insulted if they didn’t get a beautiful woman or so on (eventhough I know rest of them still alive, but who cares?). Brain? Who’s have it?.
Most of highschool man needs an approval. Aprroval of what? Approval of existence of course. Going to hype places, having a brand new devices, and shits they don’t even know what’s for. My logic get insulted by how dumb they live for. Mayhaps, they don’t know what their goals, what their aim for living, and what’s thing they really wanted and how to get it instead begging from their parents. Imagine how sucks it is. (Once again, I talked about majority)

I already seems so arrogant, don’t I? So let’s make it even further.

She’s bitch

But she doesn’t kill my vibe. Someone told me: “In life, you’ll find a phase when you feel waiting is worthed. No need to rush, no need to be worried. What you really wanted will comes to your way. But you acquired to fighting, that’s the rule”

I can’t agree anymore.

My friend whom I mentioned here, wanted by many man. I can’t blame her for having such a good-looking face, rite? The only thing I can compare with her is my knowledge. But back to square one, men usually impressed by looks. *can you hear my sarcastic laugh here?*

She’s wanted by my teacher too. My very-fucking-awesome teacher. Haha *cries of pity*. To be honest, I just like the way my teacher taught us. Nothing more. He’s actually good looking but I knew he already have a girlfriend. And I hold on to rule don’t take somebody’s belonging. But whyyyyyyyyyyyy God whyyyyyyyyy? I felt thrown away when my teacher asked: “Is that M already have a boyfriend?”. How come I should answered that question?

“Oh well, she’s single. But she’s a pathetic bitch whose wanted by many and looking for her prince (which this way meant: PDKT to this and that and pick them as she does grocery shopping, Doesn’t like, then throw away).

No, instead answered with that, I prefer a smooth way of talking

“She’s single. But she’s now having a date with someone”

I need a glass of margarita or cosmopolitan.

Does she mentioned every attention they deliver to her? Yes, she does.
She said she doesn’t want to seems “sok jual mahal” or cocky. BUT CAN YOU PLEASE MAKE A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BEING COCKY AND BITCHY PUHHLEASE? Isn’t it so bitchy by replying every bbm and messages from whoever adored you? Gah!

Close enough, my haid is in pain and my head remnisince me by Kings of Leon song.
