Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

Pop out

hi bloggie ! :D
Guess where am i while updating this post?
well, in my new school's library. :) it's quite good spending break time here, in the library.
just wanna share about my new school.
my school not too huge but actually comfort and accesable by any mobile transpotation.
I just happy entering my new school. And all of my friend seems funny and not too annoying as my old school
The point, i love my new school :)

okay, break time already end. see ya :*

Jumat, 20 Juli 2012

Currently Life Goes

. Kicked From Group without warning bfore. so fuck
. Eat too much
. Too much lawson food XD
. Milk Tea
. My class got award as The best MOS Performance. good job dude
. need moar money TwT

Sabtu, 07 Juli 2012

An Old Friend

such a long time since me and my old friend met caused we a tiny busy with our own life.
And then, we gotta met again :D yay!
They're Rhui and Mizu. i miss ya gaiz so lot, i mean so lot :')

We did karaoke on Mizu house and make some noise. We were Riots! haha.
I felt so refresh that day. Surely, my promblems seems like blow out by just singing :p

Kay, see you soon. :DD

Senin, 02 Juli 2012

So (super) long time no post

guys. i dont know. feeling this 2nd quarter of the year already piss me off. well. i have so much pinch trouble in my bussiness, my life, and my friendship.

And my blog, sorry to leave you so long. i don't know what i want to post.
 I just so busy to reach what i want this year. I have a lot of random wish. And sometimes i got confused which one i should make it true first.
well........... see you in the next posting :D
