Rabu, 12 Desember 2012

Kepaksa Mikir

plis deh pan. d dunia itu gak ad yg benar ga ad yg salah. 

semua itu subjektif, tiap org punya pandangan, setolol apapun sebego apapun seidiot apapun pandangan itu, hargailah hak2 manusia pan

kalo tiap org d dunia itu sama, nanti dunia akan menjadi tempat yg membosankan. 

mknny pan, sekali lg bapak kasih tau, 
hargailah hak2 tiap org, trserah mereka mau apa. ngerti pan?

gue pagi-pagi. Buka FB abis ngikutin pekan remed. 
Anyway Alhamdulillah nilai-nilai gue yg remed cuma 2 :) walopun yg ga remed nge stuck
 di KKm -_-
ya gpp lah ya
Semoga aja akhir taun ini keisi hal hal baik ^^

btw soal quote diatas tadi. gue dapet dr fb
ada tmn abang2an gue komen di status abang gue.
Ya abang gue emg tergolong org yang sarkastik gak tau tempat dan waktu
dan kalo gakuat sama sarkastik dia, bisa aja org itu butthurt atau yg lebih parah adu komen
cuma komen diatas itu maksa gue buat mikir

gue terpaksa buat mikirin makna komen diatas

Ya jujur sih. kadang gue suka menilai orang secara subyektif misalnya "ah dia kan alay pasti blablablaba...."
dan dulu gue adalah korban komenan subjektif macam gitu
Kadang jahat sih menurut gue menilai orang secara subjektif
Dan mungkin karena gue yang kurang dewasa yang ngebuat gue suka ngotak-ngotakin seseorang

Tapi kadang gue juga ga selamanya kategoriin orang sesuai penilai gue yg subjektif/objektif
gue masi labil jg
gue masi beranjak dewasa dan masih nyoba-nyoba menerka gue orang kayak gimana
dan gue mau gue jd org yg menilai secara luas,gak subjektif, dan ga stangen dalam menilai seseorang

Ada benernya juga. kalo di dunia semua pendapat org sama dan ga kita hargain, dunia akan jd membosankan.

Dan itulah yg berkecamuk di otak gue skrg

Haaaah susahnya jadi anak remaja beranjak dewasa :v =3

Senin, 10 Desember 2012

Hatsune Miku casual costest

im bored. really ;;;;
\(;o;)/ so UAS already finished YATTAAAAA
and decide to take some costest at Tiwi's house :3
gah mah face

im  caption

Made Nusha Sucipta - WIP

just posted one of my WIP's pict.
sooooo maneh art needs a finishing and re-touch :3
after exams, i promise to do all of this~

Model : Made Nusha Sucipta

Jumat, 07 Desember 2012

a man called Santaclaus.will he comes?

Just lots of thing i want to keep in my inventory.
And satisfied my dream an foolishness XD
But no money on wallet pls
so. is it Santa will comes this year?

Hair Chalk

cambridge satchel bag 12" pastel color series

Plush Hat Husky :3

Converse High Top camel

Saber Lily Nendroid full set

rilakuma dress

all hail blueberry cheesecake

Korilakuma canvas bag

Korilakuma poncho

duckie pls

Rilakuma handbag

Mamegoma canvasbag

Mamegoma fleece bag

La Sardina

Diana Mini en rose

juicebox camera

LOL. it seems like most of everything i want is "girly" thingies.
whatever. they cute however
and i DO love cute stuffs :3
muka boleh lah heavy metal tapi hati heavy rotation #plak
_(:3_|)_ wish all of my wishes comes true

Selasa, 04 Desember 2012

december's guilty

Gue bingung sama perasaan gue sendiri
Gue sayang banget sama megane. Tapi kayaknya megane ga ngerti dan salah tafsirin rasa sayang gue ke dia.
Gimana ya.......

Gue ga nembak dia. Tapi dia tau perasaan gue ke dia. Gue bersyukur banget Dia gak ngejauhin gue.
Tapi ya gitu
Rasa sayangnya ya gitu deh. Sayang beneran. Gue butuh dia sebagai sosok kakak gue. Tapi gue juga pengen jadi pacar dia.
Tp gatau kenapa gue masi gak tega aja kalo gue harus deketin dia. Dia suka sama crush men.
Lo bayangin aja betapa jauhnya gue sama crush
Alesan kenapa gue ngebiarin megane deketin crush adalah :1. Mereka seagama 2. megane keliatannya suka banget sama crush 3.crush cewek banget, rambut panjang,putih,gingsul,lucu dah.

See?Jauh banget kan yak ==”
Mungkin temen temen gue pada ngatain gue gegara gue maunya aja di PHP in gini
Mereka tau apa? Mereka kan gatau perasaan gue ke megane
Emangnya harus dan wajib ya kalo kita sayang sama seseorang kita harus punya status pacaran sama dia? Gak harus kan? Rasa sayang gue ke megane gak bersyarat kok.

Boby pernah bilang waktu chat ke gue “Gue mau deket sama cewek. Tapi gak mau jadi pacar”
Ya gue bilang aja “tapi pasti lo dianggap PHP deh,megane”

Jujur sih.. gue ngerti maksud megane. Tapi di satu sisi gue juga pengen ngomong ke megane, kalo dengan begitu berarti dia egois. Tapi bisa aja di satu sisi pihak ceweknya yang justru gak sabar.

Kenapa ya gue harus sayang sama megane. Kenapa gue harus curhat ttg M ke dia. Seandainya aja gue Cuma suka, bukan sayang ke megane pasti sekarang gampang banget buat gue lupain dia. Tapi gue gabisa..
Gue udah berkali kali ngepush diri gue dengan bilang kalo gue tulus sayang dengan megane, gue gaperlu jadi pacar dia.

Walopun gue ngarep.

Tapi buat apa jadi pacar kalo pada akhirnya juga jadi kaku.
Gue gapernah ngerasa sakit hati kalo megane deket sama crush. Gue gapernah ngerasa cemburu kalo megane modusin crush
Gak pernah sakit hati.atau mungkin isitilahnya gue ngebohongin perasaan gue sendiri sih. Cuma sedikit nyes aja. Dan abis itu rasanya ya ilang gitu aja.
Jujur gue gak ngeliat megane overall dari fisiknya. Bagi gue dia Cuma ganteng pas pake kacamata hahahaks -_-
Bahkan pas kemaren Ka Nan ngasi liat foto nya megane waktu pacaran sama Ka M gue ga ngomong apa apa.
Nyes sih. Rada ngenes. Tapi ga sampe cemburu babi-buta -_-

Biasa aja. Toh udah mantan kan? Yaudah.
Satu pertanyaan gue yang terakhir
Kenapa bisa gue sayang sama lo?
Kayaknya gue bakal terus begini. Sayang sama lo tapi gak jadi apa apa di mata lo
Gatau sampe kapan J
Tapi satu hal. Gue sayang banget sama megane. Dan gue tulus sama dia.
Walopun orang lain nganggep gue bego dan dongo karena mereka ngeliat gue di PHPin
Gue ga pernah ngerasa di PHP in
That’s all.

-guilty person in December's rain

Senin, 03 Desember 2012

Adam Levine by Nyoron

haaaaaaaai :3
this is my first time for me submitted my own art :3
so this is my 3rd homework from Mr. Endoy to making a bodypainted picture
In the first time, i used Aelke Mariska as my model but she's so hard to paint on .__.
So i chose Adam Levine picture due his shoot on his own freetime :)
I'm working with my mouse full time because I felt a lil bit uncomfy using my pen tablet along the proggress
This picture had wasted my time along 2 weeks. and i really satisfied with the final progress :DD

so, keripik pedes anyone?
I think i need to improve my skill more and continue 

I will post my other art too ^^ such my colase themed Sumpah Pemuda (Young's Pledge)

PS: my next challenge -> Popart Aelke Mariska, Popart Flandre Scarlet

See ya (/*O*)/

Kamis, 29 November 2012


I have a husky now
ah my wish to get at least one u__u
Why i love husky so damn much?

Husky is an uber cool, calm,and ice-hearted dog
But if you already tame it, he'll become your most precious,warm,and savior for your life
I've dremt all day to get this pet at least one but i can't~
sooooooo. yatta! i already have one nau~


have a great noon :)

Kamis, 22 November 2012

A Little Question About Life

all pictures sourced by google

Konnichiwa :)
Jakarta is rainy today. It's really makes me happy and sad tho
Well..... If the day going like this, i mean rainy, pretty calm, and everything allright, i often daydreaming. And sometimes asked myself about LIFE

It's 11th month of 2012. There's so many thing passed this year.
And i realizing it.... everything moves so fast.
It just feels likes, "perasaan baru kemaren yah gue tahu baruan"
Yep, time has such a conpiracy about speed and it circumstation.
Last year, i still on Junior High School
Fought with a bunch of homework, struggling with exams, and laughed with my friends.

But.......... Suddendly it left behind.
Bam! I'm on Senior High School right now
Enjoying my life as first stage pupils.

People have their own memories about their life
About their relationship, their experience, their friends, and their times
Everything has perfectly packed by The Almighty

Sometimes, we wish that time could be more faster.
But if "that time" has left behind, we wish that time to go back in our life
Simply, is remembering and call back our memories.

Relationship then
I'm a single child in my family
the one and only daughter in my family
I used to seek for someone that be glad to be my fake brother
Alhamdulillah, i found them
My precious and priceless fake brothers, Fahmi and Sylvan
They are my saviors, they are my treasure that God gave to me
I'm glad having them as my side-family

Rain pours more intense.
Im just looking outside the window
"What is the thing probably happen in next second?in next minute?"
Is that we just waiting and process our life by time runs?
We're looking for tomorrow secrets.
And do everything happened today

Sometimes, people had a little chat with me.
She asked me why I have a lot of friends, why i was so easy to bond a relationship?

I had no answer that time
I just smiled to her and said simply thing in my head

"Even though i have a lot of friends, i doesn't mean we're connected perfectly. I often feel lonely too"

Yeah,that's a life drama

What is the meaning of LIFE?

maybe that question might be have no answer

Selasa, 20 November 2012


“Kadang, semakin banyak seseorang tahu,semakin takut pula fakta menyeliputinya”

Yep, I just finished my logarithm class with Ma’am Hulis.
Actually, there’s nothing about logarithm swirl in my head. Hehe
But the last word before class over is the one and only thing I remember. And its really impress me
I asked my teacher about logarithm concept applied in real life,

“Ma’am, what is the function of logarithm in real life problem?” *well, it’s a joke instead serious question because I have an opinion that 70% math concept isn’t usable for my future work-life*

My teacher answered, “You might be not listening your friend presentation 20 minutes ago”

“Yeah, guess I am”

“Well, ask your friends who had a presentation just now”

I head up asked my friend but my teacher cut off my conversation

“Actually, in our life, we might be not know everything at all. If we know something more than the other, it might be fact will kill us later”

I know B.J. Habibie is the one who found out application of logarithm concept for airplane’s cracks and strokes till the atomic state.
But I guessing something. Is it Habibie will caught a fear if he took a ride with an airplane and  going somewhere, then the plane got a fatigued and turbulation over the sky. The terrible part is, Habibie know the probability of plane condition. Is it gonna be fall down? Or maybe stayed up over the sky?
He might be know. Because he known something.

Yeah, sometimes, being enxyclopedia human is not a great and perfect way to be lived.
People doesn’t need to be smartest, brilliant, etc.
They just need to do what the best they have to got achievement in their life. To get what they want, and get a satisfied of their dreams or goals.
And I can’t agree anymore than my teacher said.

A clueless pinguin used to stay alive

Senin, 19 November 2012


γŠγŸγ‚“γ˜γ‚‡γ†γ³ γŠγ‚γ§γ¨γ†!!!


Sooooooooooooooooo excited (/*3*)/
Well, today is my brother bday. <3 <3 <3
actually he's not my brother XD he's my fake brother 

Le me tell you some short story about my first meeting with him ^^
His name is Fahmi Radityamurti, nau he's 22 years old.
He is a co-ass Forensic state at RSCM Central Jakarta nau. Yep, he's a Medical Faculty's student on Universitas Indonesia now :)

I met him at ToysFair 2012 last February.
First impressment about him is...... He is so strange.
hahaha. But by times flows, we both begin so close.
My first visit to his homestay *alias kostan* is around 5 months ago. Hehe
We share some stories about our cosplays, our hobbies etc.
and finally i asked him to become my fake brother

So far he's a great brother.
Yesterday, me, Ipan, and Fahmi took some cosplay job at child's bday.
Fun yet tired. but yes, it was really a quality time with them

well... ciao. i will introduce my another fake brother tomorrow. jyaaa

Sabtu, 17 November 2012


Drowned by Time

It might be so long time since my last post.........
Yep, I'm now mostly active on twitter.

so, time goes and flows so fast. unpredictbly fast
I can't imagine that everything changed.
Now, there's no man beside me.
I've broken up with him since a whole month ago.
Actually it made me sick.

I still can't moving my heart, my soul, my memory from him.
We were together along this 16 months.
Our priceless 16 months ends up with nothing but just left a shame.

I still remember the ssaphire ring he bought to me and gave it to me around 7 months ago.
I remember........

But heck yeah
Eveything was gone, is already gone.
So there's no time for me to lacking my heart and let it tear into the pieces.
Now, Im going to once again, do the same thing after end up in a love story

Wake up, collect the broken pieces, and seek the shore for something new

vanessa delicia hanggara. I miss my little angle so much :)

Grow up so fast

Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012


It has been a whole month right?
yeah... my life fucks me everyday dude
ciao. just want to clean my blog from dust. i will posting again later

Jumat, 21 September 2012


12.10 P.M on my school.
Im stuck in boringness waiting for pre ceremony with my class.
Well randomly, while stuck in this situation, my nose being so sensitive.
It's cloudy now. Surprisingly Jakarta will have a rain. I hope rain is coming to cancle pre ceremony work  again after longtime summer.
The scent of wet soil never fail me. May you feel same? :)

My nose works again. It smells da boy that I intrested much.
Yes He's so metropols. But he's masculine too. not sexy as Jhonny Depp did but lil bit masculine. close enauf
I love his scent around me.
Parfume which represents freedom but bonding, adore, and sensual spirit.

Anyway, early this morning i heard that JB couple win Pemilukada DKI Jakarta.
Congrats peeps! We love you. Please welcome and prepare yourself for breath taking challenge in Jakarta :)


sweet couple

me with elizabeth Seah from haru house Spore

instax captured

Cepot my new cat

ce matcha mei and Yutaka Zen at AFAID 2012

Kamis, 20 September 2012

pretty liar and recklessly of man

Mood booster came up from everywhere. that you thought that was nothing.
My own booster is Micah my cat *well, only i who called my cat with M-I-C-A-H not pusss or ck ck ck like my mother did*
Micah is unpredictable and very uber "cool" cat. She is precious for my life. Actually when i feel down, stressed out with little particle thing *especially pimples*, or anything. She knows when the right time to became tame in front of me or became wild behind everyone *me too*
But, now, my adorable booster is sick. She was cough and not active as usual she did like catch it catch that, pull my homework, broken up my hello kitty alarm. Im sad, my mom sad. And i look like heavy gussy panda along this week. Im trying my best to treat Micah well. :(

But today, i can smile a little bigger *but my friends said Im lookin like grin*. I found Micah slept inside pot. :"D she was definetly cuteeee.
hope Micah will get well soon.

So, i have a "fun" news. Am I told you that i have a SUPER FUN news? forget it.

Have i already told you that i have a biggest enemy this year? No? Okay let me tell you that i really have one.
He really the real dumbass i ever known i ever met and i regret everything that i have did with him. He is a sick person. attention whore i can say?! *le me mourn and speak up. this is my blog, anyway?*
So let we give him initial name SSP. S is for his  name. S dippin from SICK. P is from *no not his assets* Person.
S is sick Person.

We were fought around 3 months ago. He  was my friend last day. I met him in Gelar Jepang Univ. Indonesia last year. He was nothing. He just teenager boy who looks like okama and seems hey-wanna-share-some-drink-i-have-Martini-on-my-bag *anyway, siapa juga yg nyimpen martini di dalem tas lo?*
Well, on that last GJUI,  I go with Agra, his school's friends and Nisa. I stayed up at that cosplay event until night maybe 8 or 9 p.m I even forget. He following us becauuse he and his  friends want to go home together using train and we out in same station,Tebet.

He follow us. Just starring at Rhui and Miju. I assumed that he was so clueless about cosplay. After GJUI event passed, i have his number * i also forget how can i get that, but you have no opportunity to remember lots of memories especially all the bad sides from the person who pissed u off, right?*

Day by day, we're became friend. He was interested with Rhui. Im only gave him information about Rhui. just a little and basic information. Then, he became cosplayer. I always remember his first cosplay was Yu Narukami (Souji Seta) from Persona4. HAHAHAHA that fuckin face cosplayin as Yu Narukami. The hell he did that?! XD LMAO

I am who made him up, putting powder, giving foundation, and anything doesn't looks bad at all. He performed in front of many many peoples especially Rhui. Attention whore busted lhaa. I don't mean to mentioned things i have done for him but i already disgusted with him. Overall.

Now, he became super duper dickass man. He think all way that he is FAMOUS, CHARMING, GREAT, PLEASED., THE MOST CLEVER PERSON ON COSPLAY WORLD? He was tottaly wrong! extremely wrong!

Please, He just noob here. I don't want calssifying other with pro or noob, but he make me did.

He was the person who kicked me from cosplay group
He was the person who pissed me off
He was the person who think that he is the best all the way either.
He is now my enemy

And now, Im laughing of him.
He just out from his group. The cosplay group that same like i entered before, which is all the person inside *not all but well...* were introduced by me.. I want to laugh. I always remember forgetfull moment when he said that I am useless on that group, he wants me to cosplay perform battle with him, LOOL that boy should go to psikiater ASAP. For me, only 3 costumes those really belongings to him.

1.Yu Narukami
2. Minato Arisato *minato's wig by me*
3. Gallantmont *he bought it second handed from Irva*

than he asked me to cosplay battle, and i force him what he will cosplaying as? with those costumes which are people commonly known he borrowed it? You are cosplay battle with costumes those you borrowed and you're so brave  to say. Kinda fool.

He became nut who forget it skin/home.

He fitnah *whatever* me too. He said that I went with his sister *his sister is my classsister in ES* and go home with around 12 P.M. 12 P.M could you imagine that shit?!
How could i went with his sister and took her home around 12 P.M meanwhile i SHOULD at home 8 P.M at least. Ipan who told me this shits.

Oh ya! He asked me to end this fuckin insulting with oh so pretty and sweety words. It was 7 days before Lebaran last month. I agree. but i will always remember all shits he had do.
It's my pleasure to keep something unforgettable. Although i already apologize him, i will make him no one in my life. :)
Treating him like he is nobody but shadow

whoaaaaa maybe this is the longest post i have just for jerk.
Iam feelin peace right now.
Thanks blog.

PS : sorry for my superb bad grammar here. I used to use English to post something when i were upset, i couldn't think any languange fits on me. Im still learning here. so just apologize my bad grammar :p

xoxo, nite

Kamis, 13 September 2012

Emma Stone for Revlon Photoready Mousse Base

It wasn't so expired, right?
Now Im gotta share my excitement about Emma Stone!!
I saw it last night while watching talkshow and suddendly wild Emma appears. LOL
She's being Revlon brand ambassador for photoready ad campaign.
She just...... nghh can't describe by words. But i should tell you that Emma gorgeously pretty, flawless, and matchless :)

Click click


Im being sick this whole month. This High School's life really killing my time. :(
So, i have nothing to do. Anyway my AFA experience wasn't so great likes other people did.
Meanwhile, everyone busy to do this and that for AFA, i was just counting the day and felt blessed could met Oz again. Yes, we almost broken up caused his Final Assingment Bachelor degrees. It was so fuck -_-

Anyway, in the life we need people's opinion. Although there's bunch of reasons why we don't have to keeping ears of those shits, but we should. Or maybe we can't hide from it.
I have a little story about it.

I have cosplay friend. But now I'm trying to not interact with her again.
Her intial is AY. Yes, she's beautifull and sometimes so handsome in her way's. Unfotunatelly, she can't separate between bitch-so-please-u-say-sexy and art.
Yeah, she exposed her body anytime she did. She looks handsome, have a flat chest *that im almost cheated guess she was a boy*. But one thing i can't agree with her is....... why you confess yourself as cosplayer. IMO, you better say that you are a photomodel or Playboy covergirl. :v it's better anyway.
Although she is famous *because her daring syle *
How could you said you're a cosplayer? Attention whore kah?
Now everyone, especially upstairs cosplayers are banned her. Me too. There's nothing i can proud of her.

Well, Im tired

Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012

Can't Stop Levine-ing

uuuuuuuh guys!! I can't stop browsing for ADAM NOAH LEVINE's picture. no no it's not addiction. i just influnced by Adam's seductive part <3

yes i late to know that Adam who's the sexiest man alive. pffft though that i was saw him on "This Love" video clip about 3 or 4 years ago i'm not realized it. LOL

btw i got my new laptop :D yippie . It's HP PAVILION g4. The price was cheap because i nawar nawar so hard. and all of specs are goods. Well, all i need are indeed and give me great benefit while working on.

so that's all today. byeeeee


Selasa, 21 Agustus 2012

Rilakkuma madness


rilakkuma and Kori everywhere

superb cuteeeeeeee